
Useful links to scientific and non-scientific sites.

Funding bodies

SULSA • The Wellcome Trust • BBSRC • MRC • Cancer Research UK • The Royal Society • The Royal Society of Edinburgh • The Leverhulme Trust • European Union • European Research Council • EMBO • Worldwide Cancer Research • NordForsk • British Council • Erasmus • The Nuffield Foundation

Scottish universities

St Andrews • Glasgow • Dundee • Edinburgh • Aberdeen • Strathclyde

Databases and tools

PubMed • MPI Bioinformatics Tookit • PDB • BLAST • UCSC Archaeal Genome Browser • DoE JGI • SMART • ExPASy • SWISS-MODEL • Phyre • Clustal • LALIGN 

Learned societies

Microbiology Society • Genetics Society • British Society for Cell Biology • Biochemical Society • FEBS • FEMS • The Royal Society • The Royal Society of Edinburgh